When Their Crisis Becomes Your Crisis – are you ready?

February 8 Professional Development 11:30 – 1:15 Panel Discussion   Panelists   Dianne Chase International IABC Chair and former Charlotte chapter president Dianne oversees development and instruction in crisis communication, planning and management; message development, issues management, and presentation and interviewing skills training for corporate and government clients around the world. She has extensive experience serving…

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Present Like a Pro

January 4 Professional Development 11:30 – 1:15 Guest Speaker Rochelle Togo-Figa       Looking for new ways to connect with a group of people face-to-face and be heard? Then this presentation is for you. When you have the right skills, there’s a synergy that happens when you’re in front of a group of people. You have…

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Get What You Ask For!

November 2, 11:30 am – 1 pm No one likes to feel interrogated. Under almost any circumstance, people have more reasons to withhold what they know, than to share it. Questions can be perceived as invitations or attacks, depending on how you ask them. The key to encouraging people to commit to sharing information is…

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