
Article I: Name

The name of the chapter shall be "IABC/Charlotte," operating in Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A., as part of IABC Southern Region.

Article II: Mission

IABC/Charlotte exists to further the IABC mission and goals in fostering communication excellence. In addition, IABC/Charlotte will enhance IABC locally by tailoring its services to meet the unique needs of the communications professionals living and working in the Metrolina area.

Article III: Operating Policies

IABC/Charlotte shall operate in compliance with all written and stated bylaws of the International Association of Business Communicators.

Article IV: Membership

Membership in IABC/Charlotte is open to all individuals meeting the requirements of IABC bylaws Article 3 ("Membership") who wish to join IABC/Charlotte and pay annual dues of $30 US.

Annual dues for IABC/Charlotte are set by its board of directors and may be changed at any time upon a majority vote by this board.

Article V: Officers

The Board of IABC/Charlotte shall include, but not be limited to: President; President Elect; Vice President - Membership; Vice President - Member Services; (2) Vice President - Programs; (2) Vice President - Communications; Finance Director; Secretary and Senior Delegate. The Senior Delegate position will be occupied by the IABC/Charlotte past-president.

Changes and additions to Board positions may be implemented by a majority vote of the IABC/Charlotte Board. Officers of IABC Charlotte shall serve 15-month terms commencing on July 1st and ending on September 30th the following year. Our executive board term of service begins July 1 of each year continuing through June 30 of the following year. Board members are expected to remain active for 90 days following their term to mentor and coach new board members, and assist them with a smooth board transition.

Any regular member in good standing of IABC/Charlotte shall be eligible for nomination and election to any Board position. Each year, the existing Board shall propose a new slate of officers to the chapter membership no later than May 15th, allowing ample time for review and the submission of additional nominations. The IABC/Charlotte Board election will be held no later than June 15th.

Article VI: Board Job Descriptions


  • Shall preside at all IABC/Charlotte Board meetings and represent IABC/Charlotte at all chapter functions
  • Leads the chapter's strategic planning effort, provides guidance to other board members and facilitates decision-making on critical Board issues
  • Along with the senior delegate, represents the Board and chapter to the Southern Region, the IABC Executive Board and the staff of IABC International


  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Works with the president to coordinate chapter efforts
  • Coordinates awards competition and plan event in years when this program is offered

Vice President - Membership

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly oral report on the activities
  • Serves as liaison with International on matters concerning membership Develops prospects and recruits new members
  • Develops and maintains recruiting materials
  • Ensures new members and guests are introduced and welcomed at all chapter functions
  • Plans and executes recruitment campaign at least annually
  • Maintains membership and prospect database and provides mailing lists, member directories and name tags as required to meet chapter needs
  • Prepares a new member orientation package, including online information assistance

Vice President - Member Services

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly oral report on the activities
  • Conducts periodic member surveys to determine trends, issues and concerns affecting members
  • Appoints committee chairs as needed to support Professional Development activities, Strategic Interest Groups, Mentoring Program and other member service programs if/when offered

Co-Vice President - Communications (Newsletter)

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly oral report on the activities
  • Coordinates with all other Board positions to develop an effective, strategic communications plan
  • Communicates news from the chapter, region, district and international organizations to IABC/Charlotte membership
  • Oversees publication of the chapter newsletter

Co-Vice President - Communications (Events)

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly oral report on the activities
  • Serves as online liaison to publicize IABC/Charlotte activities
  • Manages the content, distribution list, event development and reporting for all program registrations

Co-Vice President - Communications (Online Media)

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly oral report on the activities
  • Serves as online liaison to publicize IABC/Charlotte activities
  • Oversees external, online communication including chapter web content and social media site postings
  • Manages the online Job Bank content
  • Ensures online chapter information is accurate and timely
  • Coordinates timely response to online questions sent via the website or email

Vice President - Programs (2)

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly oral report on the activities
  • Develops a series of programs designed to meet member needs
  • Plans and coordinates regular monthly meetings including securing speakers
  • Works closely with Communications VPs to ensure meeting announcements, event calendars and press releases are delivered in a timely manner

Vice President - Community Relations

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly oral report on the activities
  • Serves as liaison to area communicators in, or representing professional associations, corporate, academic, and nonprofit organizations
  • Promotes IABC, IABC/Charlotte activities and IABC members by providing information on programs and offerings to local print media, academic and professional media channels, and broadcast media.
  • Working directly with other IABC Charlotte board members (programs, newsletter, web site, social media), heads a coordinating committee to promote the annual nonprofit workshop.

Vice President - Hospitality

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly oral report on the activities
  • Handles membership meeting logistics including location, catering, name tag printing and distribution
  • Greets guests at professional development meetings
  • Coordinates speaker gifts

Vice President - Sponsorships and Special Events Coordinator

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly oral report on the activities
  • Coordinates efforts to secure sponsors for special events and programs
  • Coordinates communication efforts with other professional groups

Finance Director

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly written and oral report on the activities
  • Works with other Board positions to develop an annual operating budget by September 30th each year
  • Responsible for collecting monies at all regular chapter meetings, SIG events and professional development programs; includes providing receipts and billing services as required
  • Provides financial reports to international organization and submits annual tax information to the IRS
  • Maintains accounts and provides incoming president with information regarding all account numbers, online access codes, safe deposit and/or post office box locations and key access
  • Ensures appropriate Board members have credit cards and online access


  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Submits monthly written and oral report on the activities
  • Provides timely reports to the Board and membership using IABC reporting procedures
  • Coordinates Board election process including publishing a recommended slate of officers and implementing the balloting process

Senior Delegate

  • Attends Board and chapter meetings
  • Along with the president, represents the Board and chapter to the Southern Region, the IABC Executive Board and the staff of IABC International
  • Reports regularly to the Board on relationships with Region and International organization


At any IABC/Charlotte meeting, a quorum for the purpose of action by the Board shall consist of a majority of individuals holding office on the chapter Board. In the absence of a quorum, no official Board action may take place.

Article VII: Amendments

These governing documents may be amended by: A proposal approved in an official vote by the majority of the Board and a vote in approval by a majority of the IABC/Charlotte responding membership


Revision Date: July 26, 2011