Member Testimonials

IABC, as a professional association, is a network of 13,000 individuals worldwide who join for a multitude of reasons and renew their memberships principally for networking and professional development, according to a recent membership survey. While there are about 13,000 different reasons to renew, here are a few comments from folks who believe the value of membership exceeds the cost of renewal.

Why do you renew your IABC membership?

“Earlier in my career, I allowed my IABC membership to lapse when my company quit paying. Regretfully, I saw the cost but questioned the value. And when the layoffs eventually came, I didn’t have an established network. I recognize that my professional development and my professional network are my responsibility. I pay those dues myself; it’s a cost of doing business.”
R. Carter Langston, ABC

“Pure and simple, IABC is a great networking group. But it is more than networking. People truly care about their fellow communicators and you can literally open doors when calling someone by saying “I’m a member of IABC.” Presto, the person is on the phone. Some of my best friends are IABC colleagues.”
Anthony Cirillo, ABC

“Here are some reasons why I renew each year:
- IABC/Charlotte is the ONLY organization that attracts a cross section of communication professionals.
- Meetings are more than meetings - they're an opportunity to make connections, brushup your professional knowledge and skills. Plus, they're fun!
- Becoming a volunteer gives you an opportunity to grow your leadership skills and make lifelong friends.
- IABC is THE source for reputable knowledge about best practices in organizational communications.”
Irene Monley, ABC

“I've worked for me for more than 20 years, and no one has ever volunteered to pay for my personal and professional development. (As an independent practitioner, I) lose billable hours -- actual dollars, not just minutes at the office -- when (I’m) volunteering or attending a professional meeting. I'm amused by the whining excuses of unthinking communicators who recognize cost but not value … who have decided that, if the company isn't going to pay, then there must be no benefit for them, so they're just going to stay home … IABC's value proposition is terrific, low-cost professional development; extraordinary network of professional contacts; high-quality, zero-cost leadership development; satisfaction of volunteering and contributing to our profession; and unmatched learning opportunities.”
Rich Barger, ABC, APR

“As an IABC Fellow, I am blessed with life-time membership. However, before I was honored as a Fellow, I paid my own membership in IABC as I felt it was an investment in my personal, professional future. And, if I still had to pay membership, I would. IABC has continually provided me with the knowledge, experience, opportunities and colleagues I've needed to keep up with the profession. And, it's provided me with a family of friends around the world. Not sure I could ask for much more than that.”
Wilma Mathews, ABC

“IABC offers some of the best professional research, resources and tools available, as well as great networking and collegiality.”
Nora Carr, APR